Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Positive Side of Reseach with Children

     The potential for risk and harm exists as a possibility in most any research. However, without research, positive change, knowledge growth, and new ideas would be hard to come by and even harder to share with others.
     My cousin recently received her doctorate in Speech Language Pathology and works as a researcher and professor at Penn State and Boston Children's Hospital. Her primary area of interest is language pathology and technology. Her most recent research has explored the ways in which social media aids individuals with speech language pathologies, and ways in which augmentative and assertive communication (AAC) can and is being used by these individuals to enhance their communications with others. 
     Her current study is qualitative and provides examples of how social media use with AAC can drive clinical practice as well as research. In speaking with her recently, she was excited to share stories of how children who have severely compromised communication skills are able to interact within the social media venue. This creates opportunities for connection, social-emotional development, and shared learning.
     As social media continues to grow, it presents opportunities for communication and connection in new and exciting ways. Her research is helping to identify ways in which AAC does and can continue to aid in children's connections with others.

Attached is the link to her research poster: Engagement in Social Media Environments for Individuals who use Augmentative and Adaptive Communication.

1 comment:

  1. Your cousins research sounds so interesting.I studied a little of the augmentative and assertive communication (AAC) devices in my associates program. This is great they have researched this process and helped so many children to communicate with their families and teachers.I think the research outweighs the risks and benefits the children in this situation. I cant wait to hear more about her progress in this research.
