Saturday, October 29, 2016

Making Connections

     I feel a bit like I'm dancing two steps behind the beat this week. I've had a son with croup keeping me on "breathing" alert for the several days, and now have the added bonus of his father in town for a visit. Halloween spookiness has nothing on my life right now.

     However, in order to establish connections internationally I have made two contacts: one with a previous classmate from Foundations who I hope to hear back from shortly; and another with a contact made at this year's Association for Children's Museums (actually reached out to two, and have two tentative acceptances from South Africa and Curacao).

     For the second part of this week's blog assignment, I have chose to focus on ZERO TO THREE. While I had initially thought about following the NAEYC website, I decided that ZERO TO THREE's focus on connection, and fostering connections between family and children resonates most strongly with my interests in empathy development in children. Family is our early connections, and also our earliest and most consistent opportunity for developing social-emotional skills. My hope is that by exploring this organization more fully and more consistently, I will develop ideas to support the development of my own future program.


  1. I wish you luck with your International Connections love Zero to Three and there are a wealth of information to be found.

  2. I thought about reaching out to some of the ladies from our Foundations course as well, but felt bad as I hadn't since that class ended.

    I don't know if you had a similar experience, but I thought it was really cool to reach out to, and get messages back from people all over the world!

    1. I kinda wondered about it too, but hoped that maybe she was in the same boat and might need an international contact too. But I also worried that she may not be in the program anymore!
